Oil Products
We are a wholesaler of FX1 in 205L drums, minimum order quantities of 25L are available.
For further details please submit you enquiry by contacting us.

Production Lines
High heat, production contamination, and long periods between downtimes can be very demanding on the lubricants of production line components. As FX1 bonds to the metal surfaces you can always ensure your machinery is protcted where traditional lubricants balk, resulting in reduced noise and incresed system efficiency.read more »

Heavy Plant
Heavy plant machinery is notoriously subjected to the worst conditions for moving mechanical parts. Once FX1's tenactious micromolecular film is coated on all metal surfaces there will be an extra boundary to protect the hardest working and exposed components from the working environment. FX1 can also be used to help restore function to corroded... read more »

Machine Tools
Working machine tools provide the very definaition of the extreme pressure application that FX1 was designed for. FX1 provides boundry lubrication with very strong film affinity that reduces weight loss to tools through friction and work hardening and leads to better finished components when added dry to the cutting tools and cutting oil.read more »

Mining and Drilling
Mining and drilling applications experiance extreme pressure on an unprescedented scale. FX1's unique properties that make it the engineers choice for factory drilling carry forward out into the wild extending the life of tools.read more »